
Hooray for Google customer response !

It was not easy to find an appropriate response form on Google's web site to complain about my problems using the Google Books API. I found a form that was supposedly for authors and publishers wanting to advocate their book on Google Books and used it. Google responded today:
Thank you for notifying us of this problem regarding our API. I have forwarded these issues on to our specialists, who will look into the matter. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have any further details about the difficulties you are experiencing.

The Google Book Search Team

I noticed earlier (when Google introduced URL resolving in Google Scholar) that they can be quite responsive. Of course I haven't got a solution yet. But have you ever had a response on your problems with Microsoft, even though we pay them for their products ?

1 comment:

NoSpang said...

Beste Peter ik heb het zelfde probleempje, kan so far niet echt zeggen succesvol te zijn bij mijn pogingen een paar suggesties voor google's android market te versturen; overigens had google zelf minstens 1 voorstel voor verbetering zelf automatisch (in een upgrade) op mijn computer geinstalleerd <1 dag nadat ik daarover via gmail met iemand communiceerde -) anyway, m v groet