
V-sources, of course there is a Dutch library using an ERM solution

Joost de Vletter from Eindhoven University addressed me to say they have developed V-sources an ERM system, which they use and is going to be used by Delft University as well. Two posts ago I said I did not know of any Dutch libraries using an ERM system.
I was thinking of the efforts of the consortium of Dutch University libraries and the Royal Library to select a system. These efforts were unsuccessful so far. I forgot that Eindhoven invested in developing a system themselves, which will also be available commercially.

Joost also reacted on my remarks about the lack of integration of management of paper and electronic subscriptions. He answered that their system, like most other ERM systems is based on the DLF (Digital Library Federation) ERMI document. This describes a data model that does not consider the administration of paper subscriptions. He is right and following standards is a very good thing. And since these new library system components are far more open then before, it is probably easier to link between the paper subscription in one system and the electronic subscription in the other. However, the 'old' serials management systems of most vendors will not be that open, which will probably make integration more difficult. I sometimes think that vendors use the component based architecture argument to just sell more sytems.

Don't get me wrong, I am all for component based and even service oriented architectures, but not for just a part of our systems. Our management problems with electronic subscriptions, with mostly 'big deals' do not justify a separate ERM system. We can solve our problems with extra features within the serials management system. However, if there would be a national ERM system, shared between university libraries we would also benefit from a single point of administration. That would be a reason to implement ERM, assuming it would have a rich set of web services available. I heared from Thomas Place of Tilburg University, he is thinking in this same direction and I think most Dutch university libraries will consider this a good way to go.

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